

Love's A Bitch 3| Cafe Lura

Photos by Quake, Kret & Paul

This was one hell of a party. Probably the biggest in terms of turnout we have seen in years. As usual, everyone was so wrapped up in entertaining themselves or others that we have put lowest priority on documenting this legendary event and thus the quality of the photos. These simply don't do any justice in showing the amount of people (the doors closed shortly after midnight due to capacity issues), the decor and the vibe. We have put an ungodly amount of sober and drunken hours into this production and everything went off as planned. The chillout or the Recovery Room was the best new thing with its custom visuals and soundtrack put together by Andre & Nosmo. Book One of Translations of The Strangeworld is the new series from the boys so lookout for it. Gracious thanks for all your hard work and dedication go to Rikler, Jay, JP, Voytek, Jenn (good job on that make up!), Nosmo, Bartek, Krzysiu, Arek, KreT, Kop(i)ernik, Sam, Karol, Tomek, Mili, Rysiu, and Ambit (wicked visuals, man !) . Big thanlks to our sponsors : Ministry Of Hair and Superdance Records. We have added a few "behind the scenes" photos. For us, the party begins about 12 hours before the doors open. Our new dancers spiced it up nicely too. Lovely Future House beats had everyone going starting at 10pm (!) Again, one-of-a-kind in Chicago. We're looking for more photos so check back soon.